Hell yeah! yesterday I was in Powsin with Porszi, Szczepan, Ania, Konrad, Jerzy and Kuba. It was freakin' awesome, except the fact, that was raining. at first, hail was raining, next - just rain. I was so wet, 'cuz we're standing under the tree, after an hour we run under the roof - to finish grilling.
under the roof I and my 'team' - we're standing with .. English people, some kids with their parents and with a pair of elderly people. The old lady noted, that I and Ania was wet and trembled from the cold. The old man replied : ' oh, they're young and .. so firm!' OMFG.
When the rain stopped, I went with Porszi, Szczepan, Jerzy and Ania to smoke some WEED.
Generally, I had fun with them. We're trying to kindle a fire - so now my hair stinks.
we met guys from Polonia Warszawa and of course - we've a picture with them.
I don't know who they are, I only know that they're basketball players.

aaaa and I stole a piece of cake :D chocolate cake with violet incing <3>